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Pakistan vs India... WWIII...?

The war between Pakistan and India is raging again. The argument between the two goes back decades. The countries have been in dispute ever since the British founded Pakistan from land in Northern India. The area they are fighting over right now is called Kashmir. Kashmir is a small country that sits atop the country of India to the right of Pakistan. Kashmir is made up mostly of Muslim citizens. They are complaining that the Hindu government in place in Kashmir is unjust and corrupt. New, recent laws enacted in Kashmir has their Muslim citizens up in arms. They feel they are being targeted by unjust and corrupt Hindu government put in place by India. This has sparked recent protesting by the citizens of Kashmir. It even started the new war raging right now. Pakistan was accused of attacking a battalion of Indian troops. India retaliated by sending a squad of fighter jets to bomb targets in Pakistan. One of the Indian jets was shot down and the pilot captured. India went on the local air waves and claimed they had shot down a Pakistani fighter, and not the other way around. India later recanted by asking humbly for the return of their fighter pilot. No Pakistani jets were actually shot down in that exchange. This is very suggestive about the Indian state of mind going into this fight. No one wants their to be a third world war. In these days war is a very volatile monster. With both of these two owning nuclear weapon programs, its drawing attention from all over the world. The attention is unwanted by India. They have also recently stated they have a new anti-satellite missile. This will bar any unwanted viewers from what is actually going on. They have also cut the internet and cell phone services in the disputed region of Kashmir. Why the blackout? Are they massing they're troops on the Pakistani boarder? Are the Indian soldiers committing a genocide or an ethnic cleansing? These are exactly the atrocities that this region of the world endures at times. The UN has issued certain statements that point at India as a bully. This is the type of fighting that went on with WWII and Adolf Hitler. Some people think that Hitler's actions were orchestrated. The British government may have had a hand in the beginning of the Holocaust. One of Ian Fleming's stories talks of him dawning a German uniform. He says he did this to spy on the Nazi's. If this is so why weren't other countries warned of the up coming Blitzkriegs. If this theory is true, then it may be happening again right here in Jacksonville, Fl. Here we have a well known billionaire that is of Pakistani decent. He is the owner of the NFL team the Jaguars. Now that Pakistan and India are at war, the Hindu's here are up in arms. They own a number of BP (British Petroleum) gas stations here. They appear to be very jumpy and paranoid as they go about their days. They have also called in an number of different "contractors" to work on their gas stations. They have special guys that work on their pumps. They have new guys that cut the grass on the sites. They have extra new people that work in the gas stations. It looks like India is prepping for something, and have called in their own small army. They are very facetious in their actions. Being named Wayne or Duane is not an actionable offense. No, I did not sell the Jaguars to Shad Khan. I just have a similar name, and should not be lumped into some primitive absolute. This is how they started looking at me. They became obnoxious, and testy so you'll have to forgive me for being inquisitive myself. I had done nothing wrong. They own the Shell and BP gas stations right near my home. One of their new "contractors" waived a weed eater at me when I was leaving the store one day. Then one of their cashiers began to pop up everywhere as if he was a stalker. Needless to say I started getting gas at the Chevron down the road. The stuff between them has started to get out of hand. I pray that it does not spill out onto TIAA field. The Indian gas station owners and their BP "contractors" come off as being a bit jealous of the owner of the Jags. This whole new war may be an orchestration to squeeze him out of his own team. This is the secret conversation some of them are having.

When people are facetious in situations like this you have to be careful. It eludes to them not being angry because of something you've done. They more or less want to fight for an ulterior motive. They are instead ready to kill for each and everything they can construe as offensive. I am comparing this situation to the one that started Hitler's killing spree. If the British were pulling Hitler's strings to get them back in good with America the situation has manifested again. This time it's the war between Pakistan and India. I'm not saying that India has no real reason to wage war right now. I'm saying that we should wonder who benefits from their fighting, and who would benefit from Shad Khan selling the team. In any event the new people BP have brought in should be monitored. One of the BP contractors might try to plant a bomb in the stadium for India, then blame it on Pakistani terrorists. Things like this happen if no one is watching.

This brings me to another problem that may mushroom uncontrollably. India is the second home of AT&T. They have been training people of India in telecommunications for decades.

I believe AT&T is party to the media black out and genocide in the region. I remember losing my job at American Trans Tech in Baymeadows when they left for India. They have dozens of AT&T call centers in and around India.

The FBI recently had to fly to India to raid several of these call centers. They had been pretending to be Microsoft and committing cyber terror. One day we could turn on the TV and WWIII has started suddenly.

That is the bottom line. We as a community need to watch out for each other. We should always let each other know when we see possible threats to our safety like this manifesting. To the reader I issue this warning. Take this all in with a grain of salt. I could be wrong, and this could all be a figment of my imagination.

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