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Chinese Tech company Hauwei under Investigation

Some of you may have notcied this in the news over the last few weeks. It is the begining of a very ugly fight between Canada, the U.S., and China. The United States Justice Dept. called for the detaining of the Hauwei CFO in Canada.

The Canadian authorites oblied and arrested Meng Wanzhou, the CFO of Hauwei. Now let me tell you, she is not just the Chief Financial Officer of the company, she is the owners daughter. This is a very big fish for the Canadian Mounties to haul in.

The Justice Dept. warrent alleges that she was party to a vast scheme that stole tech from American companies, and laundered the procedes. Some of you may ask, if they are a legitimate comapnay, why would they have to launder their money? Well because they stole tech and sold it to Iran apparently.

Needless to say the Chinese are up in arms about this. They have staged protests, and their government is demanding her release. They say that her incarceration is inhumane.

Their response would be laughable if they themselves in Asia hadn't recently been so harsh to Americans' abroad. American exchange student Otto Warmbeir was beeten within an inch of his life then sent back to the U.S. He was accused of stealing a N. Korean propaganda poster to take home as a souvenir.

Really guys, you're beating people to death for petty theft? Most recently a Canadian computer contractor was sentenced to death for trafficking drugs. He had in his possesion enough drugs for them to charge him with trafficing.

Yet they say that we North Americans are 'inhumane'. I can guarantee you that our prison system is a country club compared to theirs. ...Pardon the cliche'.

The recnet death sentence issued to Robert Lloyd Shcellenberg, the Canadian computer contractor, is their latest outrage. He was given 15 years for his indiscretion. When he tried to appeal they sentenced him to death.

A great deal of Canadian's and American's say this is because China, as a whole, has been caught stealling. So instead of appologizing, they act out this way. This Canadian man being put to death is purely political.

As a matter of fact they have arrested several Canadian's who have done absolutely nothing wrong. It is our Western belief that they are taking hostages as if they were a robber trapped in a bank. They are surrounded, they are outgunned, they're are news crews filming, ...but they have the hostages though.

The State Dept. in the U.S., just issued a travel warning on China. They say that Chinese companies and other entities are delibritly trying to lure Americans and others to China. Once you get there they will try to make you take their side of some global argument they are having with someone they have stolen from.

They will offer you a job, they will offer you a free air line ticket, they will offer you free lodging, etc... If the wind doesn't blow their way you will become nothing more than a hostage. If you try to leave after sensing the ill will or being victim to misstreatment, they will deny your exti visa and force you to stay.

It is my belief that all involved need to re-think your relationship with China. If they get caught hacking, or stealing copyrights, they turn into terrorits on you. Then you become a pawn that can't talk about whats going on as if you have Herpes or something.

In any event the U.S. State Dept has issued travel warnings. They are also advising companies that have purchased Hauwei computers to rip their chips out and replace them with something more secure. ...That is unless you don't mind the Chinese listening in to your every conversation and hacking your computers.

They are also advising against buying any 5G devices or services from them if you are a business. They have been deemed untrustworthy. Now all they have to do is bring thier CFO to America without her escaping... good luck.

Regarding Mr. Schellengerg's death sentence for trafficking, we are all praying for you. The U.S. should bear the lionshare of the responsibilities in retallions like that. After all the U.S. asked the Canadians to arrest Ms. Wanzouh, apparently not reallizing American's and Canadians in China could be held hostage.

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